Sunday, April 29, 2012

Oil Painting

i think the oil painting went pretty good last night. But there are still alot of details to add after the paint dries in like 5 days! I decided to paint a plastic Schliech horse so in case i messed up , i wouldnt ruin anything too important!! Im painting the mare to a light bay and i think shes turning out pretty good

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Oil Painting

I've been looking around and noticing how beautiful models are that are painted in oils. There are no brush strokes or anything. I already tried oils once on canvas, but today when i was looking i found out that i was doing it all wrong lol :) Soooo , i went out to the store and bought myself more oil paints and im going to try it again  ;) Hopefully, this will turn out good haha ;) so im going to try to paint a model in oils and see how it works out.
okay so first im going to share a picture of the first english saddle i ever made. I know its not the best, but i think its pretty good considering the fact i made my own patterns and everything.
Hello :) well im new to blogging soooooo it might take me a lil while to figure this out lol :)